Grow Your Hair

How many of you have the hardest time growing your hair? Welcome to the club. I’ve struggled with dry and brittle hair, split-ends, and breakage my entire life. As a child I always had individual braids in my hair a) because it’s maintenance free, and b) to help it grow. While this method worked to help grow my hair, it did not stop the breakage or the split-ends. I’m sure you all can relate when I say, my hair just doesn’t grow! I’ll tell you a little story that jump started my determination to grow my hair.
I broke up with my highschool boyfriend in 2009 and to make myself feel better, I chopped off my hair! After an exhausting and toxic relationship it’s only natural that we wan’t a fresh start, right? For years and years I’ve heard that the only way to grow your hair, is to start fresh and cut off the dead ends. Well, who the hell wants to cut off a few inches just to get it to grow? It just sounds so backwards. Instead of doing that, we continue to let the dead ends grow into longer dead ends. See how backwards that sounds? So, back to the breakup. The breakup that resulted in me cutting off 4-5 inches of my hair was such a blessing in disguise! From that moment on I was determined to never let my hair get out of control again. I set a goal for myself and said, “I’m going to have the longest, healthiest hair I possibly can!”. Some of you will look at my photos and think, “Her hair isn’t even that long!”. Listen. It’s long for me, okay! It’s never been this length before, and the best part is…it’s so healthy! I’m going to share with you the things that got my hair back on track.
First thing is, you have to get micro trims. These trims are vital. If you aren’t going to commit to micros then you might as well give up. There is no sense growing your busted ends into longer busted ends. I get my trims done every 8-10 weeks and when I say micro, I mean MICRO. My stylist is a girlfriend of mine, so I can be brutally honest with her. I tell her to take next to nothing off, like nothing. Some stylists get a little carried away and take off our precious length, then we go home and sob. I always tell my girl to just skim the ends and remove any evidence of split or dry pieces. By the time we are done I’ll look on the floor and hardly see any hair, that’s how little she takes off. The reason why micros are so important, is because it stimulates hair growth. You gotta trim a little to gain a little. It has made the biggest difference for me and if you’re patient you will see results too, and remember consistency is everythaaang!
Now that you have healthy ends, you’ll want to keep them healthy. I have tried tons of products to help with breakage and I’ve found my solution here. This Redken product comes in 2 parts- primer and sealer. The primer sits on the hair for a solid 10 minutes (or more), then rinsed, and finished with the sealer. Do not wash the sealer out. I’ll do this treatment once every couple weeks to maintain my ends and I have found that it works wonders for me. I go into my trim appointments with better ends more and more every time, thus less hair needs to be cut off! Can you see how it’s a win-win? Another product I looove is also by Redken with interlock protein network (IPN) technology. Totally sounds fancy, but it basically means you need it in your life. You can view that product here. It’s an all around leave-in treatment that I do not rinse out and I’ll apply it about once a week. For a bonus, the smell of these products are heavenly! I know that my opinion of smell means nothing to your nose, but I love it and you can be the judge for yourself.
Okay, this next product is my absolute, absolute favourite. There is no way in f’in HELL I’d live without it. It’s called Olaplex Hair Perfector and it’s liquid gold, y’all- no lie. Olaplex is a 3 step system- part 1 and 2 are used professionally as your getting services done and part 3 is where you come in. Whether you’re having a chemical service or a colour done, this product was created to protect and insure our locks so we can finally get those golden honey tones without fearing the damage of bleaching our hair to get there. Did you read what I just said, it’s a goddamn miracle! Part 3 is the take home treatment to ensure optimal results of your salon service or you can use it on it’s own to strengthen damaged hair. This product has drastically made a difference on my breakage and I apply it once a week. It can be rinsed off or left on for more severe cases of dry hair. It has seriously saved my hair’s life and I’d give up everything before I give up my Olaplex. For FAQ’s on Olaplex, please click here.
Lastly, with all the diffusing I do on my hair, I always make sure to spray it with a heat protector. Right now I’m loving Redken’s Pillow Proof Express Primer. I saturate my hair with this baby and it works to lessen the time to blow dry or diffuse. I will never apply heat to my hair without some type of protector on it. With my hair already being dry as the Sahara desert, adding more heat to it is like a fire in the Sahara desert. Sounds excruciating right? Get your protection on!
Now with all this talk about products and how amazing they are, you should know that there is a protein limit our hair can handle. The saying “too much of a good thing” makes perfect sense right now. Our hair can only handle so much goodness, so be sure you space out your applications. I will always alternate my products weekly and rarely will I combine them in the same week- that’s a no no. Find a routine that works for you. One thing I will admit, is I use coconut oil every single damn day on my hair. Coconut oil is a natural product so there is no harm dousting your hair in it. You’d be surprised how quickly oil disappears in my hair, it’s such a thirsty bitch.
If you have any questions about the products I use, leave me a comment below. Happy hair days are upon us!
Loveee that your giving us info on what you use. Mixed chicks has been treating my curls great ❤
Awesome tips! Can the Olaplex be used after a relaxer/perm? Or just color chemical services. I want to try it but I don’t ever color my hair. Is your hair relaxed/permed?
Hey Chia, Im looovin’ your blog! You inspire me girrrrl.
Does your girl use scissors for your trims?
Thank you so much, I’m glad that I could inspire you! Yes, she uses trimming scissors.
Coconut oil, the healing of everything g lol
Love your post!
I went through a similar thing, it was 2 weeks before my bf broke up with me, i randomly spontaneously shaved my head.. My hair is super straight and it was badly damaged at the ends and i was tired of how i could never do anything with it. So i was like what if i shaved it all off?! Fresh start.. And whadda you know 2 weeks after my bf broke up with but not because of my hair lol.. Anways it actually helped me gain more confidence cause my fave felt totally naked and i had to forve myself to like it!! But my yoga teacher told me that girls carry alot of their past in their hair so when they get cuts or shave it in my cade they get this sense of like ” ahhh yes fresh start!” And im like true! I felt like a new person and now i’m planning to take care of my beautiful straight hair sonit doesnt get as bad as it did before ?
I’m sorry this was such a long comment…… ? You’re awesome!! Thank you for tips!
Wow! How brave are you to shave your entire head. Now that’s commitment! =)
On my next trip to Ulta, I’m picking up those Redken length products. I was close to buying that primer once, but wanted to read some reviews on it first. Completely forgot to research reviews, but now….you’ve sold me on them. Thanks for sharing!
Hey Chia!
I’ve been watching Tim for years, and when you started popping up regularly I remember saying “Damn, I want her hair!!” You have been seriously #hairgoals for me. Looking through the vlogs I’ve seen how much your hair has grown and changed. It’s hard to tell though, has your hair changed texture as well due to your process? I would also love to know your routine for your hair/skincare! LOVE LOVE LOVE the blog!!
I can’t thank you enough! My curl type has a mind of it’s own. It’s seriously will depend what product I use and how I dry it and THAT all depends on what I’m doing with my life for the few days after I wash it. Sigh, curly hair is just so complicated. I will post about hair routine and skin care soon! Promise.
Do you have any tips for relaxed hair? Love you and your posts btw
Same treatment should be used on all hair types, chemically treated or not. If you visit the Olaplex website there are instruction on how to incorporate it into your chemical treatment! Win-win!
You’re absolutely right, microtrimming is so essential! I’ve started doing that and my hair always looks so much better even if I cut off only a centimeter. And like you, I find that every 8-10 weeks is perfect
Yes girl! That’s the spirit!
Hey chia! I have a very simple question but a necessary one for me lol. What kind of coconut oil do you use? I recently purchased some but a) the container is tiny b) it was kind of expensive… Therefore I’m not sure I’m buying the right one lol I keep hearing how useful count oil is for literally everything. I to have trouble with breakage its OUT OF CONTROL. I will definitely be trying the products you are recommending. Thanks!!!
Hey Shanice! Trust me, this happened to me once I started getting into coconut oil. I’ve found that the tub they have Costco is the best amount for your dollar (I think it’s about $20) and you get A LOT. Especially, because you’re gonna be using tons of oil if you’re trying to control breakage (hydration is key!). Wherever you decide to buy, make sure you read the ingredients and it the only thing listed should be coconut. You want it as natural as you can get it!
How do you keep your hair pretty spiral curls? Because when I brush out my hair it’s a big poof. I can never tame it.
LOL, well I don’t comb my hair when it’s dry to avoid the poof and that will completely diminish your curls. I only comb it in the shower!
What brand of coconut oil do you use? Love your posts <3
Thank you! Nutiva, from Costco!
Anna Maria
How do you use the Olaplex? Do you put it in wet hair? For how long? Do you clean it afterwards? ?
I apply my Olaplex to dry hair and leave it on for a minimum of 10 minutes. Rinse and shampoo/condition. For more info, visit =)
You should post pictures of products you mention. Or step by step pictures when you’re trying to tell us how to maintain a mani or anything else
That’s what the links are for! 😉
Hey Chia! So i’m curious, I have pretty long hair, its longer than mid-way down my back. I consider my hair very healthy, i never put any kind of product in my hair and it is naturally straight by air dry, i’ve never had split ends, nor do i have dry hair….buttttt… biggest problem is TANGLES! Do you have any recommendations on some kind of product to help out? I know by having long hair, tangles just sort of comes along with the package but i feel like they are always so intense.
You don’t use any product in your hair? EVER? Wow! I’m sure there are plenty of great products to help with tangles. I wouldn’t know any off hand (I don’t have tangle issues), but perhaps you should ask your stylist or do some research to suit your hair type. <3
Do you think that Coconut oil would work? I’ve heard it’s pretty much a home remedy for anything!
Hey Chia thanks for hair tips seriously need them so! Ine thing i wana know…can olaplex step 3 be used directly? Is it possible to skip step 1 and step 2 as i virgin hair..never coloured them ever so..
My pleasure darling! Yes, #3 Olaplex can be used alone however, it is much more effective when combined with #1 and #2. You can have a treatment done with Olaplex even if you don’t have any chemical treatments done at the salon and continue with #3 to maintain the results. Ask your stylist!
I’m a new fan but I’m loving your blog my dear! Instantly fell in love with your hair the first time I saw it. Super quick question about the coconut oil; do you ever wash it out, or just leave it in? Thank so much! 🙂
Hello Angie new fan! WELCOME! Thank you so much! I leave it in and just continue to apply everyday. My hair is very dry so it can handle the heaviness, keep in mind what your hair can handle. Once a week I will do a warm oil treatment and just warm up the oil in the microwave and saturate my hair with coconut oil. I will leave it for at least 20 minutes and follow with a shampoo and conditioner.
thanks for the hair product recommendations 🙂 I have heard great things about Redken Anti Snap and Olaplex, can’t wait to try them! My afro is quite the demanding diva 😉 I look forward to trying the other Redken products you mentioned, too. I trim my own ends, but haven’t gotten the hang of micro trims…seems like I always take off a good inch lol. Gotta work on that.
Horse shampoo and conditioner works just as good shiny stronger healthy hair its a lot cheaper ?
Hi Chia. I loved all your tips and your hair is beautiful!
Can you please tell me if you relax your hair? I’ve been debating wether to keep raking my hair or go natural. Thanks!
What makes you want to consider relaxer? Is your natural hair tough to manage?
I’ve relaxed my hair becaus I grew up with relaxed hair. My mother always relaxes my hair every 3 months since I was 8. My natural hair texture is curly as I have seen from old pictures. I just don’t know what would be better for my hair at this point. It does seem like relaxers dry out my hair lately
Hi love your blog,
2 things first can I do an olaplex treatment and a coconut oil treatment a week or best not do both?
Also when you say use coconut oil daily what do you do like run a little though the ends of something?
Thanks xxx
Hello! Thank you for the love, I appreciate it so much! The thing about coconut oil is, it’s natural so there is no harm incorporating it into any treatment either before, during, or after it.
I put SO much coconut oil in my hair daily. I rub it in my hands until it becomes like a smooth oil then apply it to every square inch of my hair. It slurps it up so quick!