My Love Story

Everyone has a unique love story about how they met “the one”. Let me tell you mine.
It all started in February 2009 when I had the urge to go and visit this local psychic that a couple of my girlfriends had been to. They swore by what he said and were shocked at how much was actually true. So, out of curiosity I went. I told myself I wasn’t gonna give him ANY hints, and I def wasn’t going to take anything he said too seriously. He said a lot of accurate things, detailed descriptions about people in my life and a lot of future possibilities for me. And one of those possibilities involved finding the man I was going to marry. But I wasn’t just going to find him on accident…he was going to be “introduced to me through a friend”.
Psychic: “You have a trip coming up. To California. LA in particular. Have you planned that yet?”
Me: “No.”
Psychic: “You will. That’s where you’ll meet him.”
At that point, I had NEVER been to the United States and I had nooo intentions of ever going. Canada was all I knew. So I kinda thought, “Mehhh, whatever. I’ll see if that even happens.” A few months later I got a text from my friends planning this LA/Vegas trip and asked if I wanted to go. *Insert big eyed shock emoji here*
WTF. The damn psychic was right!! About the trip anyways. Then I get to thinking about this man in shining armour I’m suppose to meet. I didn’t want to expect it and then it not happen, so I tossed the idea out of mind and didn’t think about it again.
So now it’s trip time, and we are on the way to LA. My girlfriend Vanessa mentions that she knows this YouTube guy who lives in LA and he’s gonna stop by and say what’s up. As we wait in the parking lot of this hotel this YouTube guy, Tim, (check out his channel here) and his friend Rick (also a YouTube guy…check out his channel here) show up. Tim, Rick and Vanessa greet each other, and she introduces them to our group of friends.
Now, let me backtrack.
Tim and Vanessa had been YouTube friends for a few years already. By YouTube friends I mean they both had channels and watched each others videos. So, they had a discussion about how cute Tim thought I was. I had nooo idea Tim even knew who I was, and I sure as hell didn’t know who he was. So when we met he had already creeped me on Facebook and I distinctly remember him saying hi to me for the first time and I was like “Oh, hey.” in an uninviting way LOL. In my mind, I was like,” Don’t talk to me, new boy, I have a boyfriend!” New girls are so cold sometimes, aren’t they?! Can’t a boy say hi without thinking they’re hitting on us?! NO. For some reason in our minds they can’t. And I was 20 at the time. Young and silly with no logic behind my thoughts.
To fast forward, after the LA trip, Tim and I became Facebook friends. Don’t ask me why he wanted to be friends with a snobby, terrible first impression girl. Well actually I did know. He thought I was CUTE, regardless if I was snobby or not.
After we became Facebook friends we exchanged a few messages (completely innocent), but that didn’t last long and died out quick. The relationship I was in at the time, ended a few weeks later and because I was single I now had freedom to message whoever I wanted. With saying that, I initiated a convo with Tim, which took him by surprise because the initial conversation ended as quick as it started. From that point on we kept messaging back and forth for weeks. Updating each other on what we were up to. He just started gaining popularity in the YouTube world and travelling for shows, so his life was more exciting than mine. I just kept him up to date with that TV shows I was currently watching. Prison Break to be exact. Tim started to become this funny online companion that I enjoyed talking to. Someone who was always there to message and help pass the time. So message after message I slowly started to think to myself, “Hey! I kinda like this guy.” And I was kinda hoping that he was starting to feel the same way.
After a YEAR of Facebook messaging, it just so happened that we were going to be in Toronto the same weekend (call it fate) and we made plans for me to come check out his show! I dragged my girlfriend with me and it just so happened that her boyfriend was hosting the event Tim was performing at. So, it all ended up working out quite nicely in the end. Tim invited us to the after party and we sipped on free alcohol and danced the night awaaaay (sounds cheesy, but it’s true). Toronto came to an end and I definitely thought, “I LIKE THIS GUY” and guess what?! The feeling was mutual… 😉
Now came the tricky part. I lived in Canada. Tim lived in LA. Neither of us ever had a long distance relationship before, but we were willing to put it to the test. So what did we do?! Said eff it and ignored all odds and hoped it wouldn’t be an issue down the road. We slowly, but surely became frequent flyers.
Eventually, Tim officially asked me to be his girlfriend in the cutest way. As I flew into LAX and came down the escalator to baggage claim, I found him standing there with a bouquet of roses and a sign that said “Chia Habte”. Like one of those drivers that pick you up, you know the kind. As I stared at him in awe he flipped the sign around and it said, “Will you be my girlfriend?” Isn’t that the CUTEST?! We’ve been a couple ever since.
We are now going on 4 years and our relationship consists of planned visits and many many flights. Let me make this very clear. Long distance is not for everybody. It’s a lot of work and it absolutely will test your relationship in ways it normally wouldn’t. We’ve come to appreciate the small things and not think twice about fighting over things that don’t matter. In my heart I knew I had found the one when all the miles in between didn’t mean a thing and realized distance really does make the heart grow fonder.

These are the flowers and sign Tim had for me when he asked me to be his girlfriend as he picked me up from LAX September 2, 2011. Cute, right?
If you’d like to follow our love story and visits…
- Subscribe to Tim’s YouTube vlog channel
- Follow Tim on Instagram and Twitter
- Follow me on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
Awe cutest ever… thanks for sharing such a personal story with us!
Ps. Congrats on your new blogging adventure, can’t wait to follow along!
YAY! First response from my lover girl =)! Thaaaaank Yoouuuu
What a cute story Chia!!! I love your blog by the way! Sorry if im replying to u here. Not really sure how to work this blog thing yet haha but im learning looking forward to reading more!! ❤️ Much love from the 6ix! Bee ?
OMG that’s so cute! I’m very happy for you and Tim and I hope you guys continue to be in a happy, healthy relationship. Congratulations on your blog too. I’ll be sure to Stick around and to be “just peachy”. ??
-Huge Fan, Nya
Thank you, Nya! =)
Such a lovely story! Thanks for sharing.
Priscilla Jacky
Such a great love story! I’m definitely rooting for yoU and Tim.
Happy New Year!
That is such a beautiful story which comes along with a very important message, so thank you for sharing it. I love your blog already, it’s designed really nicely and still has alot potential to grow and develop. You gained another reader, yay 🙂
xxx Mara
Cute love story!! Wish you guys many more years of happiness and love! <3
Jessica Nicolle
I loved the Chilling Here in the Atmosphere video & knew you were a keeper ever since! I love this whole blog idea & I’m so excited to see as to how this project will build. Love you Chia! Xo
“And that, kids, is how I met your mother.” Can’t wait to follow your blog and see a different side of you! Keep it Peachy! ????
You guys are perfect for each other .Thanks for sharing this story with us Chia.Congratulations on your blog and I can’t wait for the stories to come.
Dion McClure
Aww loved your love story it reminded me of mines thanks for sharing and I love the YouTube videos y’all make ????????
I love you two! Y’all are such the ideal couple and I admire the both of you! I’m so exited to follow your new journey!!!
This story’s too cute, damnit! Lookin forward to more posts!
Not a blogger or anything, but I love the way you think girl. Congratulations on this new journey, you will be just PEACHY. Cheers to the * blank * New Year . 2016
thank you so much!
Rudy Silva
Been watching Tim for long time! Huge fans of you both! Y’all are the shit! And that story is one of the best story’s I have heard! Tim has the moves! ;).
I’m in a similar way with this girl from England! It’s not easy and def not from every one!
Stay peachy!
Aww how swwet! What a story! From what I see on YouTube and instagram you guys really are the definition of “peachy keen”! Good luck in all your guys do together!
❤ Lottie
thank you so much! I appreciate it!
Cutest love story ever! And your blog is gonna be amazing.
I absolutely love this! Me and my bf are long distance too and I’m happy to see it works between you guys. Excited to see where you go with your blog! Good luck xo
This was the cutest thing ever! ❤️ Can’t wait to read more of your blog post????
Jennifer R.
Finally ! Your side of the story !
Dennise Martinez
Sooooo Freaking Cute! Is What Everyone Is Saying, But It Is Soooo True! Im Excited To See This Project Of Yours Grow:) & Youre Relationship With Tim!
Thanks for reading! <3<3
Aw such a cute story! I wish i could find tha psychic to tell me my future lol
Great story! This gives me hope that my long distance relationship can work ! Can’t wait for more blog posts! Btw love that you own your own business in nails! ???? I can’t paint my nails at all with my shaky hands!
Practise makes perfect! <3
Aww thanks for sharing your story! I love how you guys met. Long distance is really hard and not for everyone.. Love your blog so far 🙂
This is absolutely amazing. A relationship like this is more than anyone could ask for. btw I love you chiaaaa! And you are undoubtedly an inspiration.
xo Jas
I am so lucky to have him! Thank you so much. I love you more!
I ❤️ this so much. Excited to read more!
You are very rare miss chia, long distance relationship are very challenging and not for the week hearted. The love you both share are rare and unique, it can and will withstand the test of time. Live, laugh, love.
Hi Chia! So I’ve been watching Timothy’s videos since forever ago! I love him! He’s so funny! He was with Iliana when I started watching him. It was weird seeing him with a new girlfriend at first. In your blog you said you guys were Facebook messaging for a year!? So he still with Iliana when he would message you? It seemed like he moved on fast from her to you in his vlogs.
He’s pretty great! Remember, vlogs aren’t in real life time. Thanks for reading!
Omg this is such a cute post & story. I love it??
Looks like you guys are made for each other. You seem like a gem so why wouldn’t he love you?!
Hey Chia I was thinking of visiting a psychic for love advice. I have currently been with my boyfriend for 2 years. Some days feel right some days don’t. What was your opinion on visiting a psychic? Would you recommend it? And how would I find a good, honest psychic not a fake?
I went into the session with no expectations and I didn’t go in looking for any answers. I was just curious to see what he would say. I would recommend it if you just want to entertain yourself, but certainly don’t go just because your seeking answers. Their readings may not be accurate, so you don’t want to take everything to heart. The way I found this psychic was a referral from a couple of friends. This psychic never advertises, which is a good indication that he works through word of mouth. Word of mouth is the best referral, in my opinion.
Perhaps you should break down why some days don’t feel right. If they are minor issues that can be worked through then you should be okay, but if it’s much larger than that you should look at the bigger picture.
Hope this helps a little. <3
Wow that’s crazy!! What was the psychic’s name? Anyways, goodluck to you and Tim, you guys are inspirational 🙂
Love you and Tim! I’m with tims parents you guys should have a baby already lol! I’m excited for you guys and wish you guys the best!
Haha, giiiirl! Too much pressure from everyone, so I’m going to intentionally not listen to any of you! 😉
Congratulations on your blog launch, cha cha! Love ya girl.
Love you more, bebe! Thanks for the support! <3
Cutest story! i love this so much <3
I LOVEDDDDD READING LOBE STORY. I mean i’ve heard before because Tim did told it a couple of times but not as good and detailed like you! You guys are awesome and best couple ever❤️
Awe! Thank you so much, I’m glad you liked it.
where is this psychic though? i need him
He lives in Saskatchewan!
Wow what a great story I don’t really like reading but this one made me read the whole thing ??
Yay, that means I succeeded!
i laughed at the part where you said “ew don’t talk to me i have a boyfriend” because that was the same thing i thought when my boyfriend tried to talk to me .. overall this is such a cute story thank you chia for taking your time to write this sweet love story ! God bless you and your love life Tim <3
Hey chia, thanks for sharing your adorable love story! I really enjoyed it! I am from saskatchewan and I am really interested in seeing a psychic. Where can I find him?
Send me an e-mail. 😉
I cried A little ? Jk Definelty will keep up with your Blogs tho .
Me too!
I loveeeeeee this blog Chia!!!! I’ve been following Tim on Youtube since day one loool! This blog is bookmarked in my phonee 🙂 ! #fan #from #montreal
Hey Chia! Thank you for sharing your love story with Tim! I totally get what you mean when you say it isn’t for everybody. I’m 3 months in to a NY->FL relationship, and I already know that I’m willing to make the effort to work this relationship- so does he. 🙂 but it is TOUGH. The problem is that we don’t have a lot of money to travel back and forth frequently. Also, I’m a grad student, and when the semester gets into full swing, I won’t really have that much time either.
When you and Tim aren’t able to see each other for a while, how do you deal (personally, and collectively) with it?
Thanks for writing me! Honestly, Tim and I enjoy our time apart lol. We are such busy people in our own lives that the time apart goes by SO fast! Of course there are times that suck, but a Face Time goes along way.
Loved this! You can absolutely tell you guys are meant for each other! 🙂
Thank you so much!
Gosh, this story is super cute. Talk about fate and unexpected events. What is the name of the psychic?! Now I’m curious about my future??? Lol
Hey girl! Have you heard of any psychic’s in Toronto ??
Noo…I haven’t. I will keep my ears open, though!
Hi Chia! Great story! I’m so glad you decided to start a blog bc you seem like such a cool, down-to-earth person, who wouldn’t want to read about your life, right? Lol. Also you’re a great writer. And it’s time we finally get to know more about the girl in Tim’s videos, his better half! Much love and support xoxo, Lauren from Hawaii
Hello Lauren from Hawaii! Thank you for your kind words. You’re the best!
You’re so polite & nice! I never read blogs, but I’ve seen your guys videos & their super cute! You’re such a role model to everyone! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for reading!
You two. ♡
C.H.I.A. is still one of the best love songs I’ve ever heard, you are both so lucky.
Ayee! Tim’s lady is dope! Congrats!
Thank You!
very loving story. i hope the best for you and your family.
Rochelle Y.
Hey Chia! I’ve watched Tim’s videos from time to time and I think you two are just the cutest couple and so funny with the way y’all act with each other. Thanks for sharing your side of how you met. That’s really cute how he asked you to be his girl. Continue working on the relationship..definitely a lot to keep up with him but you definitely balance each other out. It’s inspiring, your love.
such a beautiful love story, thanks so much for sharing it with us. Wish you both a lifetime of happiness & congrats in opening up a blog. Happy birthday btw, hope this day brings you joy & happiness that you truly deserve. All love from Sydney Australia xoxoox
Wow amazing. Well written and very engaging throughout 🙂 great job look forward to more 🙂
This is so sweet! I absolutely love the way your relationship is with Tim and your personalities. You are both crazy inspiring to me as individuals and seem to be a power couple! Continue to post I will continue to read! lots of love 🙂
I’m glad to hear! Thank you so much!=)<3
You guys are the cutest! I look forward to following on your adventures and seeing your blog grow! <33
Thank you!
Such a great love story :).
Anthony Goggans
I loved Tim videos for years and been supporting him for so long and it was nice to get the story from your point of view.!!? Haha such an inspiring couple much love guys.
Thanks Chia!
I remember following Tim’s life back then and seeing you pop up in a video and saying to myself “damn, what a nice (and pretty) girl!”.
Anyway, I really appreciate what you have to say about distance – no frequent flyer miles here, but racking up the odometer.
I’m glad to see you guys so well and happy (I stopped following Timmy when he started rolling in dough; not entirely sure what happened but I kind of just got off YouTube). I have him on Insta though so I do see his life, and you as well from time to time.
Happy new year, and stay peachy.
It’s interesting the reacting you get when speaking to new girls. Things are done so differently now, that meeting new people outside of an online application/social network is strange to most people. Your reaction initially towards Tim is all too familiar.
Good on him for persisting, and you to making it happen. I think you guys make a great couple and are both pretty damn entertaining.
Haha, thank you so much!
You told the story soooo much better than Tim! lol So cute. I wish you both the best.
I just wanted to say how much I admire you!!! I remember the moment I “fell in love” with you. I was watching one of Tim’s vlogs and you were taking off your makeup and he jokingly said “shitty face” and you were like “No. Shitty boyfriend.” That’s right girl!!! If your bf doesn’t like your face, you don’t change your face, you change your bf. And from that moment, I just became inspired by your confidence; whether that’s the fact that you do what you love, have your own business, or that you don’t need Tim to love yourself. Thanks for making this blog!!! I look forward to connecting with you.
PS: If you could email the name and contact of that psychic, I will FOREVER and EVER be grateful!!! Stay blessed!!!
Hahaha! Thanks girl! Unfortunately, I can’t release his info. Sorry!
theresa h
I just started reading your blog today and its the first blog ive ever read! I actually never thought bloggers were real for some reason since i mainly just watch YouTube and ofc thanks to Tim, im here! I thoroughly enjoyed reading your love story after reading your cute vday ideas post!
I completely support you guys and your relationship and i hope you guys have an ossum life ahead!!
YAY! Thank you doll! I appreciate you stopping in! =)
lidia B
you and Tim are the cutest thing ever!!! Love the love story, its crazy how love happens. I went to High school with Tim and its nice to see how accomplished he is and that he has found the perfect girl. Love watching youtube videos of both of you. The mexico trip was funny to watch but that candlelight dinner.. soo pretty!!! Wish you guys the best and lifetime of happiness!!
Oh wow! So you knew Tim waaaaay back in the day. He’s an incredible person and thank you so much for your kind words towards him. I really do appreciate you stopping in and checking out my blog. Our Mexico trip was unbelievable and the romantic dinner was unforgettable.
So cool to read a little more behind the story of your relationship ^_^ I’ve never visited a psychic before, I’m too chicken lol I was never good at long distance, but you two have something really special! So cute how he asked you to be his gf <3
Such a cute romantic story!! I love you blog, it so interesting! I never believe in psychic but who the psychic you went to?
A local one! It was pretty interesting!
WOW! What a cute story! I love you guys! I watch Tim’s Vlog daily just to see your fun adventures! God bless that amazing bond and union!!!
Thank you so much, Allie! Much love! <3
Who was your psychic? Kinda want to see one!
Saw one before 8 years ago and everything came true.
I can’t share his info, I’m sorry! Hopefully you can find a recommendation for your area. <3
My boyfriend and I have been dating for a year now. We are going to be high school seniors this coming fall which means soon enough we will be in college. I am extremely scared to potentially be in a long distance relationship and I was wondering how you ‘stay peachy’ without worrying if he might fall for someone else when we are far away.
Listen up, girly! No need to worry about the future. You’re in high school and still so young! Live for the moment and you can decide what you want to do when the time comes.
Hey chia I just started reading your blogs today and as I’m reading this one in particular all I can say is “wow” that is an amazing way to meet someone and your story touched my heart and made me cry. You both are very strong people to have a long distance relationship, I don’t know if I can ever do that but that’s absolutely amazing that you both make it work.
AWE!! That is the sweetest comment! We’ve come a long way and it’s definitely not for everybody, but it’s worth it (in my eyes).
I appreciate your new love to Just Peachy, you are welcome back at any time!
I love how you reply to so many of your readers. My question is how often do you and Tim see each other? Also are there any things/activities you recommend long distance couples do? I’m in an LDR and my BF and I are doing things like watching new shows together and playing chess through an app.
Thanks! Keep up the great blog 🙂
I try to keep up with the comments, forsure! Tim and I probably see each other like…every…4-6 weeks or so. It helps that we are both self employed so we can both make our relationship a priority. I like that you guys play chess through an app, that’s cute! We use an app called “Couple” and you can draw together, thumb kiss (SO CUTE), play tic tac toe, and send audio notes. It’s a good app for couples in general, especially LDRs!
You guys should try it!
OMG how cute!! September 2nd is my birthday!!
Really?! Yaayy! It’s a day of celebration!
Chia you and Tim are the perfect couple
Lol, awwwww geeeeez. <3
If you think about it, he did want to hit on you ’cause he already thought you were cute. Lol. I love you guys’ story. 😊
Beautiful couple!!!
Thank you so much!
I live in canada too! do you mind if i got the name of your psychic?
I can’t hand his name out, sorry!
I love this story. It’s currently 2:22 AM. I couldn’t sleep so I thought about your blog then I saw the “our love story” on the right hand corner of popular posts. I laughed and smiled once I got to the part where Tim was holding the sign and the flowers. That was super cute!! How can you not say no?! So cute and such a smooth move on his part. (lol).. But, thank you for sharing your story. I am also seeing a friend who is long distance. It hasn’t gotten to that part of “dating” yet but we shall see.. =) Thanks for inspiring.
Thank you for thinking of Just Peachy late at night when sleep is a struggle! Good luck with your long distance relationship, love is totally worth fighting for!
Oh, I got a bit choked up.:) I’ve been a fan of Tim’s since his early YouTube days and it was cool to see him find an awesome girl like you. Happy for you guys! <3
AWE! Thank you babe. We appreciate your love and support!!
This is awesome! I love both of you.
Love you back!
How sweet!
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