How I Organize my Posts

I get a ton of questions on how I manage a blog AND work as a full time esthetician all the time. So this post is about how the eff I do it. The most important thing is organization. This comes pretty easy to me because I’m naturally an organized person. Whether it’s paying bills, scheduling my clients, taking trips, or writing posts. If I’m not organized in my life, I feel like I’m living in chaos and I HATE that feeling. I get flustered, anxious, and I’m instantly in the worst mood ever (ask Tim). My work days are craaayzaaay because they are usually 10-12 hours daily and some weekends. Which means I don’t have a whole lot of free time to write posts. So, this is what I do to ensure I don’t fall behind with Just Peachy.
1) Scheduling. I have a huge calendar and colorful Post Its that I use to schedule my posts. I write the title of my post on a Post It and stick it on the day I want to post it and I do this for the whole month (sometimes two). The best thing about the Post Its is, if for whatever reason I need to reschedule a post, I just move it to a different day that week/month. I find this works way better than writing it with a pen because I avoid crossing out things that just end up looking like a chaotic mess by the end of the month. When my calendar is neat and tidy, so is my brain and I function better that way.
2) Banking Posts. This is the ONLY way I keep my month (or 2) of posts organized and ready to go without falling behind. If I’m in a writing mood I will write, and write, and write until my fingers fall off. I will literally write about anything that pops into my mind. I find inspiration in everything! Sometimes I write up to 4-5 posts at a time, even if I don’t need them and keep them saved for when I do need them. For instance, some of the posts I published in April were written in January, February, or March. I find I can write a lot when I’m travelling because there’s so much down time on flights and layovers. There’s nothing to do but watch movies and eat, so now I toss writing in the mix. =)
3) Scheduling Photos. Now, the tricky part about my full time job is, I’m never available during the day to take properly lit photos for my posts. Natural light is a God, so I always try to take my photos while it’s still light out for best results. The only day I can make this happen is on the weekend, so I look at my calendar and see what post(s) I need photos for and snap away on a Saturday or Sunday. I bank photos the same way I bank posts.
4) Get excited! Let me tell you guys, I looooove Sharpies and Post Its. I’ve seriously collected a bunch for most of my life because I’m obsessed with organization. I love taking a fun Sharpie color and writing on Post Its. When I write on Post Its it means I’m working towards staying organized and I love that feeling.
P.S. I know you guys are going to comment on how I spelt “cheese” wrong. You don’t have to correct me okay? I got carried away with writing fun words and it was the Sharpie’s fault.
Has this post inspired you to start a blog or dust off one you haven’t touched in awhile?
Kiara Wilson
Excellent post… Now if you could just make one on how to be organized in life that would be great (cause a sista struggling) ?
LOL. Now that would be a never ending post. When it comes to life though…who really knows lol. <3
Your post are so informative, this post in particular for me. I’ve been working on being organized, like keeping home clean and organized, or keep appointment and things that need and should be done. I feel that my problem is not having energy. I feel like I’m in a slump. So what I have tried to do and still working on is working out, I need to eat hearty to build my immune system and energy. I’m naturally a organized person, not the best, but it has worked out well for me. Work, school, husband, and a now 2 year old. I needed this post, thank you
Thank you so much! I am glad to hear this post spoke to you. It’s so hard to get in a routine and stick with it, especially with a family. I’m no personal trainer, but I’m sure if you are dedicated and stick with a schedule the energy part just naturally stays up!
I’ve been wanting to blog for a while but I’m always nervous no one will be interested in my content! I’ve tried twice but end up not actually posting it. Every time I read your blog I get inspired! This post also made me want to get super organized!
Oh man, I think everyone has this fear. You will never be able to please everyone…you just have to post what YOU love. I’ve had some awesome feedback from some posts and also some suuuper low numbers for others. It’s all just a gamble, really lol. Just do it and stay true to yourself!
Dear Chia,
I am so glad that you started this Blog. It is like everyone else said very informative but strangely it is a breathe of fresh air and very calming.
I have a video blog I have actual blogs that I stopped writing on or I didn’t like the way it looked so I wasn’t inspired to write on it. I love your organization tips cause I live in disarray and I need more organization in my life lol. Since you talked about writing and scheduling your blog, I was curious as to how did you come up with the design?
Thank you for sharing a small part of your world with us one post at a time. 🙂
AW. This is such a sweet message, thank you so much! When do you say design do you mean my logo? Or my blog layout?
I have been wanting to stay on top of my blogging and videos but I have trouble organizing because I care for my husband, one year old daughter, and 3-5 of my younger siblings… It’s chaos! It’s an everyday thing so I don’t have much time to take care of myself and what I want to do. My husband suggested the days he doesn’t go to the gym, he’ll watch the kids and let me go to Starbucks to get things done. I have to try your post it note scheduling! By the way, I love you and your blog!
Wow, you have a busy life. You totally NEED to stay organized with so many other responsibilities in your life. I hope you find a routine that works for you and stay on track! Thanks for the love and support! <3
This is really helpful! Where did you get your calendar from?
Staples! You could get one from just about anywhere!
Chia!! I love your blog! Thank you for your outpour of wisdom especially the coconut oil advice!
****It has become a STAPLE in my daily routine!***** YAAASS
Also, what Camera do you use to capture your great photos? 🙂
Yay!!! Thanks girl, it makes the biggest difference. My camera is… a Canon Rebel t5i?! Yeah. That’s the one lol! =)
Hi Chia! First off, i love your name and i find it so unique! Secondly, I want to know how did you know what you wanted to blog? I want to start a blog, well I did but it’s mostly about my self-improvement and love that your blogging about your life. It seems like I don’t know exactly what I want to blog. Please help me figure this out! Thanks XOXO
Thanks for writing me, I knew I wanted to share the things I love with my readers because then you know it’s always going to come from a genuine place. Blog about whatever you feel passionate about, you never know who will be reading and your post will speak to somebody out there and they’ll appreciate it!
Good luck on your journey, keep me posted!
Hey Chia! I have a question! I’ve started a few blogs in the past and I am still wanting to push my blog forward. I tuned into a web-inar the other day that said it’s best to have your blog target a specific audience with a specific topic of your blog or a specific direction you usually post in.
Do you feel like your blog is like that? If so, how did you come up with your lane? If not, how did you figure out how to reach a wider audience with know real “target”!? Lots of love from one Ontario chick to another
Hey! Good for you! Well luckily, I kind of knew who my audience was because of my Instagram following, but a good way to know is signing up for Google analytics. It breaks down things for you including age and gender. Once you kind of know what the demographic is, you can decide what topics would be good for that age group! Does that make sense? Or if this is just for fun, you could just post about whatever you like and hope people will tune in!
At the end of the day you’re not going to please everyone. Just put a few things out there and see how it goes! You’ll find your flow.
Much love,