I Moved!

I’m normally suuuper organized when it comes to my blog posts, but I have to admit it was hard to stay on track this month. I have been so unbelievably busy because I moved my esthetics business to a new location! Yay! It’s been very exciting, but hectic all at the same time. My Visa bill hates me because I’ve been spending way too much money on new things, but there’s something about moving that makes you want to get all new stuff! And we’re talking the fun stuff like decor, new furniture, frames, mirrors, ahh I love it all so much!
I decided to use my current moving situation as inspiration for any of you wanting a change in your life. There’s nothing worse than feeling stuck and unmotivated. It seriously will change your everyday attitude and put you in some type of funk. I knew it was the right time for me to move my business when I didn’t have the same feeling I used to when I walked into work. I needed a change and I wasn’t going to ignore that feeling. So I found myself a new location, packed up my shit, and off I went! It was literally that easy.
Being in a new location has sparked up old feelings and has me feeling like a new person who’s just discovered their passion. I could not be happier to be in such a great place in my life. It was a change that I desperately needed and I’m glad I made the decision to relocate. It’s not like I moved countries, but being in a new environment has me completely refocused and driven.
Whether you’re deciding about school, work, relationships, moving out of your parents house, buying a house/car, or whatever your situation may be, if you’re feeling stuck then take the plunge and make the change! Yes, it’s scary…it’s absolutely terrifying, but change is good- a little fear is good for us! Change challenges us to adapt and meet new people. Of course you should only make a change when you’re ready and be sure to be prepared financially, mentally, emotionally, and every other type of “ally” lol.
It’s a thousand times easier to stay comfortable in our little bubbles, but without change we would never know what’s waiting for us on the other side. =)
Change is very scary , yes. I’ve been wanting to change up my hair with a drastic cut, I’ve had hair long enough it will grow back. I have been wanting to spruce up my place, bring life into my apartment. New wardrobe my visa and husband will not like that haha. My motto for this year is “CHANGE”. Thank you Chia for the push. Congratulations on your relocation, I’m sure it’s refreshing.
I was hoping you were going to say Los Angeles, when I saw the title.
Amalia Quinones
lmao, me too ! I was like “YES FINALLY”
Chia thank you so much for posting this story. I’ve been wanting to make a few changes in my life now and your story just gave me motivation to start putting plans in place. You’re awesome!
Totally agree loved your blog ! I agree we all need change and to step out of our comfort zone ! I just got a total different look and got a Long Bob done something I’ve never had short hair . Ive always stuck to my dark brown hair and Medium cut . But last weekend I decided I needed and deserved a new look something different & that I would have to get used to . I totally think I did the best choice going forward with it . Everyone loves the new look on me and of course I love it too . I will wear this new look with a lot of confidence ! We should all step out of our comfort zone often to see what other wonderful things are out there ! Yay ! Stay Peachy ! 😉
What a great change!! New hair will always take some getting used to. I’m sure you look faaab, Ingrid!
Omg I was just experiencing a move, myself, two months ago. I moved from Hawaii to Las Vegas because I felt stuck, uninspired, and drowning in high Hawaii expenses. It was honestly a blessing in disguise. I was super anxious and scared of moving but now I’m in my flow. Thank you so much for such an inspiring post!
Absolutely my pleasure! That’s a huge move, wow. I’m glad you found your way Erica. =)
This is exactly what I needed to read right now. I’m moving across the country in a few months and then taking a solo trip to New Zealand. I’m so scared but like you say, being scared is good sometimes! Do you have any tips on making the move as organized as possible? Thanks!
thank thank thank you so much for posting this, chia. i read it not too long after i saw it but i’m just now getting around to writing a comment. it seriously applies to so many avenues of my life right now (literally, every point you listed in the 2nd to last paragraph as examples are ALL things i’m planning on doing in the next few months/about a year LOL. plus a few more!) and i consider it a huge reminder and source of hope when i start feeling fretful about life. in addition to all of the environmental-type things thatll be new for me soon, i am also trying to get into the habit of taking better care of myself (which is proving to be quite the challenge because i am lazy as fuck, unfortunately, but rome wasnt built in a day yeah?).
some days i’m excited and horribly impatient about waiting for all these things to come together. other times i’m terrified i’ll make some horrible mistake along the way and fuck everything up or that i’m going to break my mom’s heart once i finally leave the nest (or a million other everything-that-can-go-wrong-will-go-wrong scenarios). there’s just… a lot going on and a lot that WILL be going on and it’s intimidating as fuck. feeling “stuck” doesn’t even begin to cover it for me on those really bad days. but reading this has restored my faith that i’ll never know what will happen until i try. i showed this to my boyfriend (we’re long distance as well) and he enjoyed it as much as i did, probably because i kept praising it to high heaven as being exactly what i needed at that moment! 🙂 so *thank you* so much! ♥♥♥
Hi Chia! Where’s your new location? I’m going to Canada for the first time in August and I’m pretty excited! Just Vancouver though… maybe Victoria if I feel like spending more money lol. I agree that change is good for us and helps us to be excited about life again. I’m happy for you and hope we can get a video tour of your new business! Much love <3
Hi Chia! So I’ve been binge reading your blog posts today and I’m so glad I ended up reading this one. I’m nearing my last few weeks of my first semester in college and what I learned is that it is not for me lol. Well, what I was majoring in is not for me. I got frustrated because I was like “alright, wtf do I want to do?!” I’m eighteen, but will be nineteen years old in December so I guess that’s my excuse for being unsure of what I wanted to do. Long story short, I want to pursue esthetics! I told one of my good friends and she was like “remember when I’d tell you you reminded me of Chia? Maybe that’s why cause she’s an esthetician”. WOW, AM I FLATTERED. But I realized I wanted to be an esthetician when I stopped suppressing the fact I love beauty and shouldn’t be going after a career that wasn’t exciting to me. The school I want to enroll in is four hours away from where I live and it’s just a huge change from living with my parents to possibly living with my grandma and taking life in my own hands. This post is so encouraging! Thank you. 🙂
Wow! Good for you and thank you for the love and support! It’s hard figuring out what to do in the future, especially when you are so young and the options are endless. I’m happy to hear you found your passion and are hoping to join the beauty industry! It’s wonderful, rewarding, yet challenging all at the same time.
Enroll in your school and take it one step at a time. You’ll be great, love!